The tool kit includes:
- Pan American Air Drill (60-310), 3600 rpm
- Pneumatic Riveter with Custom Machined Heads, with air regulator valve
- Spiralux Hand Riveter with Custom Machined Heads
- “Cleco” temporary fasteners (supplied in recommended quantity)
- “Cleco” Pliers
- 4 Toggle Clamps
- 4 Finger “Handi-Clamps”
- Drill Bits (#30, #40 and #20, supplied in recommended quantity)
- Left and Right WISS sheet-metal snips
- Adjustable (“accordion”) hole spacer (10 holes)
- Metric tape measure
- “Sharpie” felt tip markers
- Vixen “Metal Mover” 10-inch hand file
- 1 half-round 6-inch hand files
- 1 half-round 8-inch hand files
- Edge distance marker block
The Tool Kit can be crated and shipped together with the Airframe kit at no additional charge. The complete tool kit has a shipping weight of approx. 31 lbs. when shipped by UPS. The actual items, quantities and tools specifications are subject to change without notice, depending on aircraft model.